School Uniform

School Uniform

Our school uniform comprises of : -



Grey Skirt/ Pinafore Dress or Grey Trousers.

White Blouse or Polo Shirt.

Red Cardigan/Sweatshirt or Sweater.

Black School Shoes


Red / White gingham dress.


White T-Shirt, Black shorts, pumps, Plain red hooded sweatshirt



Grey Trousers or Shorts

White Shirt or Polo Shirt

Red Sweatshirt or Sweater.

 Black School Shoes


White / Red T shirt, polo shirt

Grey trousers or shorts


White T-Shirt, Black shorts, pumps, Plain red hooded sweatshirt

School ties are now available to buy from the School Office, ties are an optional item of our School Uniform.

Red school baseball caps are available for use especially on School Trips.

Could you please ensure that all your child's clothing is labelled to avoid confusion if articles are mislaid.

It is optional as to whether children wear uniform that has the School Logo embroidered onto it.

Embroidered uniform can be ordered from our Uniform Supplier, Moet Designs, via email  

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